Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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1171, this figure represents the only evacuees spent the English Channel by boat, of course, swim across the Strait of staff is not the number of the greatest feat swim across the English Channel, and officially opened at the moment! Now just a small beginning, most of the fleet assembled the day next port when indeed serious compression swim across the Strait of number of personnel, however, less than half of the time, by the Air Force and the position of anti-aircraft artillery powerful coordinated operations, again plus large number of personnel of the sea crossings into a geometric growth in the number of personnel.
Seeing the goth generals in high-risk destroyer gradually disappeared in their own implementations, Alexander shoved come back, loudly the commanded estafette of.
Notice all above the regimental level commanders, all here to open an emergency meeting, told to seize all the officers and men, be sure to establish an effective defensive positions in the highlands near 102 Highland!
Must find ways, this does not work, 102 Highland can overlook the whole Dongti Beach, especially the high ground anti-aircraft artillery! Really hateful, just burst salvo, we lost 10 ships and 3,000, but fortunately coastal, causing no casualties much! enemy when detour to our positions? damn Mongo horsepower! He also vowed Tan swear guarantee within three days of an enemy ever allowed to fucking ,air max 95 rasta! full five divisions are fuckin go fucking! strange how the enemy is over? but also so the firepower and equipment, should be not less than

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Grams. Artillery systems in the fixed rear Hermetic combat indoor direction of fire of 28 degrees, the level of fire -8 degrees to +14 degrees, and can carry 50 shells, this is the famous At that time, the Royal Air Force has just won a vital British Air Combat British finally quite contented laugh at losing the German bombers but just two months ago,womens north face jackets, Stuka or a way to make the other filed on funky name.
After Hitler came to power, Germany began to rearm. Due to the intimacy of the Air Force Summit Goering and Hitler, the development of the Air Force is the first place, to invest in developing a variety of types of fighter jets, bombers and other auxiliary aircraft design. Taking into account the needs of the precision bombing 34 years of the German Air Force decided to develop a dive bomber, several aircraft companies invest a competition to decide which program design, by the Department of the Air Force Technical.
The auspices of the project decision makers Wu Dite (ErnstUdet), World War one of the most famous German ace, hit a record shot down 62 enemy aircraft. Fond of flying out of an old pilot, he personally test flight each prototype. Haiyinkeer (Heinkel) developed He118 fly first results of in-flight aircraft lost control, Wu Dite forced to bail out when the ambulance crew found him in a cornfield, found him bruised,cheap nike nfl jerseys, that he parachute entangled. way to the hospital, his mouth kept mumbling and cursing the damn parachute ...... The He118 designer Haiyinkeer with six bottles of champagne to the hospital to visit Wu Dite, the results of the two people half an hour on the dry one-third.
Then turn Junker (Junker) Ju-87 it has an object seagulls are generally slightly higher wing can dive to a steeper angle than the He118 did not give Wu Dite any trouble Then, Ju-87 The spring 37 years to put into mass production. the Germans this dive bomber called Sturzkampfflugzeug, Stuka ─ ─ Stuka. due to it in the Second World War, especially war pre Hewei name, the Stuka word is income military language dictionary , dive bomber synonymous.
1937 the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, for countries to provide an excellent weapon experimental field. Many new German armament there to accept the inspection of the actual combat, which also includes a Stuka A1 type of war, Sri Lanka picture cards with the blood of the Spaniards confirms its power, perfected the concept of the German To begin mass production in the Spanish Civil War Stuka B type improved its double unit. Propulsion powered by a 1100 horsepower Jumbo211Da liquid-cooled V-type 12-cylinder engine. Defensive firepower grounds the driver to control the fixed wing two side two MG17 7.92 mm machine gun and a 7.92 mm machine gun MG15 rear seat radio operator manipulation. belly of the fuselage centerline flying a 500 kg heavy bomb, the wings, the other for hanging 110 kg

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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(Tiger Bear, a rare Warcraft looks like a bear, but the cry of a tiger attack force astonishing claws can easily beat off a number of people encircle trees. Immune Ray spells, can release mine Department the Jinzhou outside most of Ray spells.)
Xiao-Tian Li of course, do not know the the Tiger Bear is what level of Warcraft, but to see the use of Jinzhou to deal with, presumably rare Warcraft class, estimated to be comparable and Jinlin Hu. Their own strength, I am afraid it a hair not afford to fight it in its belly. thought of this, Xiao-Tian Li could not help that genie looked of glances to use Jinzhou addition, one person alone Jinzhou, Jinzhou Finally, unable to bear back to bite fell , but she was able to successfully release a Jinzhou her mana than the absolute intensity on more than one grade. awake wizard, although no release Jinzhou, she released sister successful release of No wonder the elves are known as the best natural magician, is really not a fake own the human inside magician also be regarded as strong, and they are one more than they seem so insignificant but now is not the emotion There is also a wizard did not save it.
the guidelines of the altar, waiting for that do not know when there will be an opportunity to appear now, and before an opportunity to appear, and she was going to die. World say that the woman is made of water, it seems that not only is a woman, even the female elves are like ah Xiao-Tian Li looked at before the cry forever wizard hearts sigh, but then I thought, this might

Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

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